Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya

A Govt. Sponsored College

At : Sevayatan, P.O.:- Sevayatan, Dist.:- Jhargram 721514, West Bengal, India


Girl's Hostel

The college has big hostels in its precinct both for boys and girls hailing from distant places with 150 bed capacity. The students accommodated in the Hostel should be under the strict supervision of a Superintendent. Priority for admission of students in the hostel is given to the students coming from outside the districts or states and sports talented persons.

The Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya, one of the premier and oldest (Established in 1959) Teacher Training Institute for Boys. Now there are two girls’ hostels can house about 50 plus students (Girls 50).

The girls hostel newly be constructed (2014) under financial support from UGC.

The hostels are nestled in bush green; eco-friendly surroundings with open play grounds. The hostels are being protected through boundary wall surroundings the hostels blocks. The whole hostel blocks are lighted at night with sufficient solar lights. During power failure the boarders can use solar light in their rooms. The guest rooms for visiting parents of students are also available. All in all, the hostel life in the campus is one of the most enviable among the student community, providing the students with a conductive atmosphere for learning.

Hostels Rules and Regulations

  • Only bonafide students of the Institute with valid student registration numbers of students having letter of admission issued by college office section are eligible to be given accommodation in the hostel.

  • Absence from the hostel without permission from the Principal, Council of Wardens, may entail cancellation of membership.

  • Though security arrangements are provided, the Institute shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property belonging to the residents of the hostel.

  • The occupant will use his or her own lock and key for locking the room and will be responsible for the safety of the belongings.

  • The key of the room shall always be in possession of the member and handing over the key to any non-member or for the casual use by friends is strictly prohibited.

  • Cooking in the rooms is strictly prohibited.

  • Heaters or similar electrical appliances should not be used in the rooms.

  • No extra furniture or electrical fittings are allowed in the rooms.

  • Members should exercise all possible economy in the use of water and electricity.

  • Members should keep their rooms clean and litter free.

  • Members should take the responsibility of keeping the common areas like corridors, bathrooms, common rooms, game rooms tidy and litter free.

  • The UGC has banned all types of “Ragging”. It is considered as a serious cognizable offense. There shall not be any type of ragging in the campus.

  • Cooking of any type of food in the rooms is strictly prohibited.

  • Consumption/storage of alcoholic beverages in the hostel premises is an offense. It is not permitted.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the campus.

  • Members should not cause disturbance to other residents in any manner whatsoever.

  • Women visitors are not allowed in the men’s hostel. Similarly, male visitors are not allowed in women’s hostel.

  • Members should not throw garbage/litter from balcony or windows.

  • Members have to clear all the dues of a particular month on or before the last day of the following month. If all the dues are not cleared on the prescribed date, a fine of 1% on the billed value will be imposed.

  • If a student accumulates hostel or mess dues, the mess facility will be stopped forthwith and hostel facilities will also be withdrawn. The Principal, Council of Wardens, Office shall take possession of their room and hand over their belongings to the security.

Guest Room Rules:

  • Booking for guest rooms will be done at the college office, between 12 noon to 1 pm on all working days.

  • Guest charges 100/- per day, per person.

  • For further details please see college website.

Mess Timings:

The Messes will remain open, normally during the following hours.

LUNCH 9.45 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.
DINNER 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.