Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya

A Govt. Sponsored College

At : Sevayatan, P.O.:- Sevayatan, Dist.:- Jhargram 721514, West Bengal, India


Principal Desk

“Little drops of water/Little grains of sand Make the mighty ocean/And the pleasant land”.

This sounds highly significant about ‘Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya’ as it is popularly known today. From a modest beginning this fledgling college has leap frogged on the path of outstanding development and attained Govt. Sponsored Status and excellence with regard to progress and performance in the lately declared District of Jhargram.

In view of the growing demand for a Teachers’ Training College, it was discussed and decided to open a Govt. Sponsored Postgraduate Teachers’ Training B.T. College at Sevayatan in the north east outskirt of Jhargram town. The decision was materialized and resources optimized when the Philanthropic Trustee of Sevayatan took the onus on them by donating substantial quantity of land and offering all possible succour for the establishment of the college in the year 1959.

The monk Suddhananda Giri Maharaj of Sevayatan, an ardent champion of education was chiefly responsible for opening a number of educational Institutions at Sevayatan locality of which the establishment of the B. Ed. College remains a land mark achievement throughout his ascetic life.

On behalf of the college I must convey heartiest gratitude to the Trustees for their pioneering efforts to bring the first ray of true modernity and education. Coupled with their ameliorative initiatives in the obscure and educationally challenged area some six decades back.

The first flame of education initiated by the Mission Continues burning more vigorously today. With the progress of time this college has attained its burgeoning state with inception of M.A. in Education that started in the year 2012.

I get pretty amped up to say that students seeking admission both to B.Ed. and M.A. classes form bee-line in this hallowed Institution every academic year, possibly attracted by the enviably healthy academic climate and the supportive environment prevailing over here.

Located against a serene natural setting surrounded by shady trees and greenery. This college specially attracts hosts of onlookers towards its imposing flower garden with multi colour flowers in their glorious bloom. The location of the college breathes a sense of holiness and purity, silence and solitude that reminds us of the ancient vedic days, more importantly the time when sweet and cordial relation existed between ‘Guru and Sishya’ or teacher and taught. The same sort of hearty relation exists even today in our college as well. A vibrant academic and cultural ambience coupled with holistic outlook of teachers constitute the name and fame of the college. The famous professoriate of this college leave no stone u9nturned to deliver teaching according to the best of their capacity that definitely does positive service to the students community as a whole.

Currently the college building wears a new look for the renovation, reconstruction and facelift works done so far, separate building for M.A. courses has been constructed which connects the main college building. Well-equipped modern smart classrooms both for B.Ed. and M.A. classes with modern teaching aids have been arranged for the students. It is quite heartening that the NETT and SETT aspirants are offered special coaching by the college that would help them crack the competitive examination. The college has big hostels in its precincts both for boys and girls hailing from distant places. The whole college area along with the main college building is surrounded by strong and durable boundary walls on all sides to ensure safety and security of the inmates. Besides, we have a spacious and well-equipped gymnasium where Alexander technique is emphasised upon. The auditorium hall has recently been built in our college premises where efforts are made to create an ambience of culture and promotion of culture as well as cultural integration. With the gradual development of the college outreach initiatives are also taken up with real earnestness by all concerned.

The ‘Heart of the College’ the library is housed in a big first floor building with a rich collection of various old and new books for the increasing number of users along with Internet facilities (WiFi).

The Assembly Hall of the college deserves special mansion. It is chiefly meant for holding functions, symposiums, meetings and even important classes and when required. I am happy to say that everything in the college goes swimmingly and everything is in ship shape for the dedicative support of the galaxy of teachers, non-teaching staff as well as the governing body who try to raise the college to new heights of glory and excellence. The constructive and positive efforts of the students are also very important in this direction precisely speaking this college has come as a capstone for the collective endeavour of all.

The vision and mission of our college is to produce good enlightened citizens endowed with a sense of social responsibility to discharge. I am upbeat that our college would produce ideal teachers who would also spearhead the march of progress, peace and prosperity of society and shed lustre on our college by their concerned efforts in future.