Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya

A Govt. Sponsored College

At : Sevayatan, P.O.:- Sevayatan, Dist.:- Jhargram 721514, West Bengal, India


Mission And Vision


Sevayatan Sikshan. Mahavidyalaya (SSM) is committed to build one abode of educational service in respect of body, mind and soul. Humanization of three aspect of human being is sought to be fulfilled through education. Therefore, its special features as man making through its educational entities. Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya in this regard believes in the school of humanism, behavism and metirilism to designs the teaching-learning process revolves around the student - teachers. Thus, man making through its educational entities is the main vision.


The mission of the college is to create a learning environment that provide with multi dimensional qualities and professional competencies in the field of education. There is no disagreement to the fact that the quality of education at school depends on quality of teacher education programme. In this respect Sevayatan Sikshan Mahavidyalaya (SSM) is apt is organizing, and implementing recent trends in teaching-learning process to produce competent teachers for meeting the needs of the hour.